Translations Czech - English (from 350 CZK per page)
As a Czech native speaker, I have been providing professional translations from English to Czech and from Czech to English, incl. certified translations, since 1998.
I also translate from English to German and vice versa.
Certified translations (approx. 550 CZK per page)
I specialize in certified translations (also called sworn or official translations), which, in the eyes of the court and other authorities, have the same legal value as an official document. The certified translation includes a statement from the translator that says the content has been completely and accurately translated by a certified professional.
I have to bind the certified translation to the document being translated - it can be the original, a certified copy or even just a plain copy. The customer needs to tell me what to bind the certified translation to, based on the requirements of the institution to which the certified translation will be submitted. For example, if you will be submitting a translation of a birth certificate to the registry office, you should first check with the relevant registrar whether the certified translation must be bound to the original or just a copy of the birth certificate.
Most frequently translated types of documents:
- birth certificate, death certificate, marriage certificate and other documents from the registry of vital records
- report card, high school diploma, university diploma, graduation certificate, course completion certificate, certificate of study abroad
- criminal record check, certificate of incorporation, registration certificate from Companies House, a copy of an entry in the Public Registry of Real Estate, tax return
- notarial authentication, Apostille – superlegalization
- business contract (contract of sale, power of attorney, contract of employment, insurance policy, articles of association, lease agreement, general terms and conditions, notarial record, minutes of meeting)
- legal texts (court order, judgment of divorce, summons, international arrest warrant, legal action, petition, appeal, last will and testament, expert opinion) and other legal translations for courts of law, public prosecutors, police and law firms
As stated above, the certified translation must be bound (and sealed) to the document being translated (e.g. your birth certificate). If you need to keep the original of your birth certificate, you need to determine what the certified translation will be bound to - a plain copy or a certified copy? Upon request, I can have a copy of your original document certified by the notary.
In addition to the paper form, I can email you the certified translation also scanned in PDF.

Some important documents – such as birth certificate for obtaining citizenship – will only be accepted abroad if they are provided with an Apostille (a French word meaning certification). This Apostille certificate verifies that the registrar who signed your birth certificate actually exists and that he was duly authorized to sign the birth certificate. In the U.S., you can get the Apostille from the Secretary of State. In Czech Republic, you need to go to: Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí ČR, konzulární odbor – referát legalizace, Hradčanské nám. 5, 110 00 Praha 1, Tel. 224 182 188, email:

Specialized translations
I also translate specialized texts from various fields:
- legal translations from the area of Czech law
- translations of technical texts (technical documentation – engineering, building industry, operating manuals & instructions, technical drawings, laboratory reports), bachelor's thesis, master's thesis
- translations of medical reports and other medical texts (leaflets, hospital certificates)
- translations of texts in the fields of economics, finance and insurance (financial statements – profit and loss statement, balance sheet, shares and equity market reports, banking software), environmental protection
- website translation and software localization
- marketing materials (flyers, catalogues, press releases)
- translations of personal correspondence (emails with Czech banks, Czech authorities, etc.)
- literature, biographies, film (scripts & subtitles)
- I also translate old German documents written in the Old German handwriting (Kurrent script)
All translations are delivered with a high level of execution, 100% match of the graphics of the translation with the original (preserving 1:1 formatting, charts, images and other graphic elements).
Delivery times
The delivery time depends mainly on the customer's wishes. For express translations, however, an urgency surcharge may apply. Translations of short emails and common official documents (criminal record check, birth certificate, etc.) can be done while you wait.
Translation rates
For all translations, I will promptly prepare a free and non-binding quote for you. The price for 1 standard page starts at 350 CZK for non-certified translations (certified translations start at 450 CZK - applies to simpler texts, the normal price is approx. 550 CZK for each started page). The price of a translation depends on how urgent and time-consuming it is and whether it is a certified translation.
Permanent customers get a discount.
The price is the first and often (unfortunately) the only thing that is of interest for the customers, although the quality of translations by various translators may vary enormously. Of course, the customer always expects a perfect, comprehensible translation, but this is in the Czech Republic, in my experience, rather an exception than a rule. I could mention many examples of inaccurate translations, even from official government forms. These are the logical consequence of the state policy, where the only criterion of the selection procedure for translations is the price. The problem, however, is that the customer usually does not speak a foreign language so perfectly that he understands that the cheapest translation is incomprehensible or misleading for the native speaker.
One page of translation (1 standard page)
In the Czech Republic, the cost of a translation is usually calculated by the page; one standard page being a Word document of 1,800 characters including spaces. The final price of a translation is calculated from the target text, not from the source text, while the last started page counts as a full page (Regulation No. 507/2020 Czech Statutes, on the remuneration and compensation of court interpreters and court translators).
Translations in: Zlin, Kromeriz, Uherske Hradiste, Otrokovice, Holesov, Bystrice pod Hostynem, Vyskov, Brno, Prerov, Prostejov, Olomouc, Prague.